Geng ♥

Nobody stay with your look. But somebody stay with your attitude.



Fake it til you make it.

Smile. Always smile. Act like things were fine. I pretended like it was okay. Like i was the happiest person in this world. Because i don't have any words to tell whenever they asked "Are you okay?" "What's wrong?". I wish i could just cry, cause a hug from a friend is what i really need right now. But NO, instead, i smile and said "Everything is perfect at the moment :)"

So smile, smile like you really mean it. Smile like you are having such a good day. Smile like you are being hugged by someone you love. Smile like you don't have any problems. Smile like your heart is still in perfect shape. Smile like you just won 1k. Smile, just smile. And you'll be fine whenever you are surrounded by your friends.

"Diri sendiri yang ngundang masalah, diri sendirilah yang sakit. Adil lah kan? :)"

Ya Rabb, mohon bantu aku. Berikanlah aku kekuatan, kesabaran serta ketabahan untuk menghadapi semuanya. Berikanlah aku petunjukMu :')

Duhai hati. Bila cemburu, bila rindu, bila sedih kehilangan sesuatu, ucaplah "Ma Fi Qalbi Ghairullah"


"Remember me in your prayers . Amin"


Syahira Ishak said...

nice entry :) sometimes smile can be the best cure of sadness :D

ezyra taharin said...

senyuman tu penawar bagi diri sye :)